How do you talk to God ?

Dear God,
I'm going through a transformational period of my life now, a period where I'm unlearning, relearning and learning, in this period of my life, I find that a lot of beliefs and ideologies I held dear were wrong or distorted, I begin to see the world in a whole new way quite different from what I used to see and what others see .

Dear God, at this stage I'm growing in all ramifications in every area of my life and I'm beginning to grow bold, to have strong veiws and opinions of my own, I'm beginning to feel responsible for for my life and that of those around me, beginning to have emotions of love and compassion towards my loved ones and wanting the best for everyone, I guess I'm being altruistic.

I now feel anger and pain at the injustices done in the world, I'm starting to feel bad when I see people suffering from ignorance, lack or sin, I ask and question a lot of things without any answer.

As I'm in the tertiary institution, I realize that I'm being admired by the opposite gender, help me dear God to live in your grace and not get lost in the euphoria of youthful feelings. As I strive to build my brand physically and intellectually, help with the funds needed to invest in myself, help me dear God in the area of friendship trust and loyalty, as I build connections, let me not be found wanting or betrayed.

Dear God, I have a lot of dreams and aspirations which sometimes feel so big that I wonder if they aren't bigger than I am, but then I remember that you're bigger than my dreams and that you'll help me achieve all my dreams and a legacy that outlives me, help me in each and every step of the way for I can only make plans based on my human knowledge but you oh God have foresight and knows what is right so help me to make the right choices and to be disciplined for I know I can't do without it if I am to succeed because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak . 

I need a lot of prayers dear God, for I can only be a physical success if I'm a spiritual giant, I do know that trials and temptations are inevitable and so I need your strength and grace to to never cease in prayer for you're a friend who knows me better than myself and loves me better than my mother !

As I strive to live my best life, help me dear God to be a good child and a blessing to my parents and a worthy model to my siblings and to be a mirror image of your love and compassion to humanity as I add a smile and wipe a tear, strengthen me so that I will not flag as I shine your light to banish the darkness of evil and give me an unshakable faith lord that I may rejoice in hope and anticipation of your wonder even in deepest moments of pain and despair.

When I begin to grow and succeed keep my heart from vainglory and pride, keep me be humble and transparent no matter how high and mighty I may think I am.

I can't possibly write all my thoughts for it will take forever and I know that you're busy working a miracle in my life and those of others so I don't want you to get tired reading my letter as you could easily read my heart, your grace dear God I ask to remove evil against my neighbor from my thoughts and to be a worthy minister of your love and light as I journey across the face of your creation.

         Signed : Your beloved child


  1. From our mouths to God and back to us as realities, God does answer prayers, talk to him today !


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